Translations:IR Shield/7/en
From ITEAD Wiki
Pin Map
Arduino Pin | Description |
D0 | XBEE_TX |
D1 | XBEE_RX |
D2 | nRF24L01_IRQ & STD Button |
D3 | IR_TX* |
D4 | SD_CS |
D5 | IR_RX* |
D6 | LED1* |
D7 | LED2* |
D8 | - |
D9 | nRF24L01_CE |
D10 | nRF24L01_CS |
D11 | MOSI |
D12 | MISO |
D13 | SCK |
A0 | A0 Button |
A1 | - |
A2 | - |
A3 | - |
A4 | SHT10_SDA |
A5 | SHT10_SCL |
- IR_TX: when D3 is set as high level switch, IR Diode will emit signals out. When D3 is set as low level switch, IR Diode won’t work.
- IR_RX: Use HS0038B as IR receiving module
- Jumpers:
- Jumpers can directly connect to Arduino’s IO. If you don’t need them or their corresponding pins are occupied, you can remove the jumpers.
- A0: insert a 10K resistance to A0 button
- LED1: connect to D6 pin. If the output voltage is high, LED1 turns on.
- LED2: connect to D7 pin. If the output voltage is high, LED1 turns on.
- Switch: Set the switch level according to Arduino main board. When the mainboard is set in 5V, you should turn the switch to 5V; when in 3.3V, you should turn to 3.3V.