<?xml version="1.0"?> <api> <help> <module>* action=login (lg) * Log in and get the authentication tokens. In the event of a successful log-in, a cookie will be attached to your session. In the event of a failed log-in, you will not be able to attempt another log-in through this method for 5 seconds. This is to prevent password guessing by automated password crackers. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Login This module only accepts POST requests Parameters: lgname - User Name lgpassword - Password lgdomain - Domain (optional) lgtoken - Login token obtained in first request Example: api.php?action=login&lgname=user&lgpassword=password </module> <module>* prop=info (in) * Get basic page information such as namespace, title, last touched date, ... https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Properties#info_.2F_in This module requires read rights Parameters: inprop - Which additional properties to get: protection - List the protection level of each page talkid - The page ID of the talk page for each non-talk page watched - List the watched status of each page watchers - The number of watchers, if allowed notificationtimestamp - The watchlist notification timestamp of each page subjectid - The page ID of the parent page for each talk page url - Gives a full URL to the page, and also an edit URL readable - Whether the user can read this page preload - Gives the text returned by EditFormPreloadText displaytitle - Gives the way the page title is actually displayed Values (separate with '|'): protection, talkid, watched, watchers, notificationtimestamp, subjectid, url, readable, preload, displaytitle intoken - Request a token to perform a data-modifying action on a page Values (separate with '|'): edit, delete, protect, move, block, unblock, email, import, watch, translationreview, groupreview, aggregategroups, hardmessage, translatesandbox incontinue - When more results are available, use this to continue Examples: api.php?action=query&prop=info&titles=Main%20Page api.php?action=query&prop=info&inprop=protection&titles=Main%20Page </module> </help> </api>